
Hangzhou BRT

Hangzhou BRT

Hangzhou BRT
Locale Hangzhou
Transit type Bus rapid transit
Number of lines 3
Number of stations 50
Daily ridership 40,000 passengers/day
Began operation 2006
Operator(s) Hangzhou Public Transport Group
Number of vehicles 104
System length 55.4 kilometers (34 mi)
Average speed 15km/hr

Hangzhou Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a new rapid transit system in [Hangzhou] that began operations in 2006 with 27.2 km of service (7 km of busway). The system was expanded with two additional line extensions in 2008, 2009 and 2010 now provide passengers with 55.4 km (18.8 km of busways) of BRT service.


External links

Retrieved from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangzhou_BRT