Date and time notation in Catalunya
In Catalunya the date order is day, month, year. In most situations, the grammar and syntax rules are applied to this format: <Weekday>, <monthday> de/d' <Month> de/del <year>.
For example: Dimecres, 20 d'Abril de 2011 or Dijous, 5 de Maig del 2005
The short format usually uses slashes or dash in a day/month/year format: 20/04/2011 the trailing zeros being optional.
Two-digit years are used for short mainly informally where no confusion arises, as in handwriting letters, notes and diaries. Official documents always use full four-digit years.
The week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday. In short form, days can be written as follows: dl for dilluns, dm for dimarts, dx for dimecres, dj for dijous, dv for divendres, ds for dissabte, dium for diumenge. Although its use is not very extended, specially for sunday and wednesday, since the logical abbreviation would be dm.
In Catalunya there are three spoken word time systems, traditional, modern and a mixture of both, and depends greatly on each catalan variant.
The traditional uses the quarters as a unit reference based on analog clocks, while the modern one is based on the digital clocks.
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